
Showing posts from August, 2024

Why there is no priest in Shakti Peetam?

Om Shakti! This question, " Why there is no priest in Shakti Peetam similar to other Hindu Temples? " is often asked by devotees and visitors. In the first place, let's make it very loud and clear that Shakti Peetam is not against priest system. In fact there is 'Priesthood' that we have in practice. Although a Hindu Temple, Shakti Peetam is the abode of Supreme Mother AdhiParaShakti, where She is Mother of all creations. Our Spiritual Guru Bangaru Adigalar fondly known by devotees and followers as 'Amma' (meaning Mother), as part of His Spiritual Mission, brought in a transformative change to our system of worship. The change included - allowing all irrespective of caste, creed, religion, age, gender, language, nationality, etc. etc. to enter Sanctum Sanctorum and worship Supreme Mother AdhiParaShakti directly. The idea and objective is that for a child to approach and reflect with its Mother, there needs no medium. The connection and reflection can be di